Downers Grove Historic Preservation
The Village Council adopted a Historic Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code: Chapter 12) on July 3, 2007 and the Historic Presevation Plan 2009 to preserve the Village’s historically significant buildings and sites. This ordinance established the Architectural Design Review Board as the Village’s Historic Preservation Commission and includes provisions to protect property owners from allowing others, including the Village, to enact preservation regulations without the owner’s consent.
Downers Grove Municipal Code Chapter 12 Historic Preservation
The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improvements of special character or historical interest or value in the Village of Downers Grove.
Village of Downers Grove Architectural and Historical Survey
The primary objective of the survey is to identify, document and evaluate properties that are significant to the architecture and history of Downers Grove, and potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places
Downers Grove Architectural Design Review Board
This Board is responsible for holding public hearings on requested historic designations and reporting their findings to the Village Council. Additionally, this Board is responsible for the administration of the Historic Preservation Ordinance and historic preservation efforts. The Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Village Council, appoints the seven members on this Board, who serve three year terms. Current Members: Chairman David Matthies (Matthies Builders), Mrs. Carine Acks, Mr. Casey, Mr. Davenport, Ms. Englander, Mr. Riemer, and Mr. Larson. Staff Liaison Kelley Chrisse (Phone: 630-434-5520)
Downers Grove Plan Commission
This commission is responsible for reviewing matters related to new subdivisions, lot splits, planned developments, neighborhood and comprehensive plans, other planning issues, and reporting their findings to the Village Council. The Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Village Council, appoints the nine members on this Board, who serve three year terms. Staff Liaison Stan Popovich (Phone: 630-434-6893)
Comprehensive Plan
A document which offers guidance on a wide range of issues including economic development, infrastructure, recreation, environmental impacts, and public safety, in addition to land use policies and maps. It illustrates a vision for the physical character of the Village for the next 15 to 20 years. The Village’s prior plan was last updated in 1965. The process to develop the Plan began in February 2010 with the formation of the Comprehensive Plan Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of residents and other representatives from the facets of the community.
Pierce Downer’s Heritage Alliance
Dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of Downers Grove. In the past, we have maintained sharp focus on the natural heritage within our community. Pierce Downer’s Heritage Alliance has been instrumental in the preservation and protection of Lyman Woods, and Belmont Prairie, which continue as on-going projects. We are now also committed to the preservation of cultural aspects of Downers Grove, including its rich architectural heritage. We work to accomplish our mission through education as well as community outreach.
The Downers Grove Historical Society
An independent, non-profit volunteer organization which was incorporated in 1968. We are dedicated to keeping history alive for future generations by preserving and promoting the heritage of Downers Grove. We seek to foster an understanding, awareness, and appreciation of our town’s history and architecture through education, community programs, publications, and acknowledgement of historic sites. We rely solely on public support to continue these efforts.
Landmarks Illinois
Preservation Resources Incentives and Grants. Financial incentives fall into four major categories: federal rehabilitation tax credits, local incentives, low-interest loans, and grants. Of these categories, grants are generally only made to non-profit and government entities. Only at the local level are grants generally made to private, for-profit property owners.
National Register of Historic Places in Illinois
Since 1966, when the federal government created the National Register of Historic Places (a program of the National Park Service), thousands of Illinois historic and prehistoric places have been designated as important resources worthy of preservation. Each year more places are added by applicants who want the prestige, financial benefits, and protections that National Register designation provides. All of the 102 Illinois counties has at least one property or historic district listed in the National Register. High-style mansions, vernacular houses, burial mounds, military aircraft, canals, and historic downtowns together represent a cross section of the Prairie State’s history from its early settlement all the way up through the 1960s. The Preservation Services Division, in its role as State Historic Preservation Office, manages the National Register program for Illinois. Anyone can apply to have a property considered for listing in the Register.